Showing 61-70 results of 336

Grief Series: How Do I Handle Special Days?

The anticipation of certain days of the year tends to cause an increase in emotions after the death of a loved one. Some of those days include the obvious such as the anniversary of their death, birthday, wedding anniversary, and holidays. For some, it may be the opening day of baseball season, the …

Rebecka Brott

Rebecka Brott, PLMHP, PCMSW Rebecka Brott, PLMHP, PCMSW, believes that at one time or another, just about everyone can benefit from counseling. And whatever the challenge, she’s committed to helping clients find a path forward.  “The way that I can assist folks who are coming into counseling is to…

The 12-Part Grief Series

Whatever type of loss you’ve suffered, there’s no right or wrong way to grieve. But, by understanding the stages and types of grief, you can find healthier ways to cope. What is grief?Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is ta…


How do we put down our phones and just enjoy life.  Well, it takes some intention and a little practice (you may already be doing some of these and not even know it.)  Here are a few techniques: 1. Just Breathe.  I know, sure we all know how to breathe, but these techniques are more specific to he…

Grief Series: I'm Suffering From Heartache

I’m suffering from heartache, I am physically drained Grief is emotionally exhausting and when we are emotionally exhausted, our bodies can also become physically exhausted. It takes a lot of energy to grieve.  First of all, there is the shock (even if the death was expected) of your loved one pass…

ExProgram (Smoking Cessation Program)

The ExProgram, a smoking cessation program created by the Truth Initiative and the Mayo Clinic, is one that has broadened in the last year to include an anti-vaping program. This new benefit offers evidence-based resources to help e-cigarette users of all ages quit and guide parents of children who …